
Hot Reload with false-positive on Meteor 3.0 using module-resolver Babel plugin

vit0rr opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using METEOR@3.0-beta.6 and refactored my codebase to module aliases imports. I'm using module-resolver to create some alias:

  "plugins": [
        "runtime": "automatic"
        "alias": {
          "@/imports": "/imports",
          "@/private": "/private",
          "@/public": "/public",
          "@/scripts": "/scripts",
          "@/server": "/server",
          "@/tests": "/tests",
          "@/ui": "/ui"

And I've created the same alias using path on my tsconfig.json.

My app runs without problems, but when I change and trigger the hot reload, I get a false-positive Babel log telling me that I cannot resolve the imports from the file I changed:
Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 09 47 44

It is a false positive because the apps run without errors, even when I get error messages suggesting that I cannot resolve my imports.

I have yet to test it using old Meteor versions.

Is this your .babelrc file?

Can this be solved with loglevel: "silent" config?

Is this your .babelrc file?

Can this be solved with loglevel: "silent" config?

It does not solve the problem; it is just hidden.
But yes, this flag is what I already do for my App.