
[3.0] error on boot.js TypeError: is not a function

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Hello, I was trying to update our application to the latest RC and after updating I booted our application to get this error:


Sounds like the same issue here:

Have you already tried meteor reset or rm -rf .meteor/bundler-cache?

In my case meteor reset solved this problem.

Yup, that fixed. Thank you guys!

This should be fixed so meteor reset isn't necessary. The linker cache salt needs to be incremented whenever there are breaking changes in the linker output:

const LINKER_CACHE_SALT = 24; // Increment this number to force relinking.

Nice! We're going to add this to the next rc

Thank you for adding this in the next RC. Some of us would rather not clear our local db when doing a meteor version upgrade :)

This should be fixed now in version 3.0-rc.1