
bundle-visualizer not working with Meteor 3

denihs opened this issue · 1 comments


meteor run  --extra-packages bundle-visualizer@1.2.3 --production


 While selecting package versions:
   error: Conflict: Constraint webapp@1.8.0 is not satisfied by webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0.
   Constraints on package "webapp":
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- top level
   * webapp@~2.0.0-rc300.0 <- top level
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- quave:slingshot 1.0.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- quave:slingshot 1.0.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- autoupdate 2.0.0-rc300.0 <- hot-code-push 1.0.5-rc300.0 <- hot-module-replacement 0.5.4-rc300.0
   * webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- mongo 2.0.0-rc300.0
   * webapp@1.8.0 <- bundle-visualizer 1.2.3

It's a versioning problem. We need to release a new version of bundle-visualizer using webapp@2.0.0