
[BE] Credit note

gaspb opened this issue · 3 comments

gaspb commented

Credit note are used to refund or credit back a customer.
They are linked to an invoice, and can apply to specific product items, and all/some of the amount.
They can be generated automatically (ex: downgrade before the end of the period) or issued via the UI/API.

They can either :

  • emit a refund (auto via stripe, or manual via webhook) (finalized invoice with succeeded payment only) => tracked via refund_status
  • create a credit grant in meteroid

For each line item, a credit amount is provided, max the amount excl tax

For this issue, use a placeholder for the credit grant part

I'm interested in contributing to this project and would like to request to be assigned to this issue if it's available. Could you please guide me on how to proceed?

Hey Amos, we're working on some core db-related refacto and so the repository is a bit too unstable to allow for external contributions at this point. We're working on it !
Feel free to join our discord, we'll communicate there when we're ready to open the contributions & create tasks for the community, hopefully within the next couple weeks.
Thanks !

Thanks for the clarity.
I will be joining the discord then.