
Possible improvement of ICLabel

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Dear developers,

Although ICLabel automated rejection allows to chose a threshold interval for each category probability, the implementation on Automagic currently permits to only insert a one-value threshold, above which the component is either included or rejected. This might be disadvantageous if one wants to set a x < thr together with x > thr exclusion/inclusion criteria.

I tried myself to overcome this by applying a few changes in the scripts, that are:

  • \gui\settingsGUI.m : from line 530 I replaced “str2double” with “str2num”, so that arrays are also supported as string input.
  • \preprocessing\performICLabel.m : from line 122 I added a further test on the second element of the “*Ther” variables (e.g. see attached)


I tested the pipeline with the changes, and it seems to work smoothly, although there is a problem with the GUI, as the text boxes are not large enough to display a two elements array. I reckon that this can be easily fixed though.

I was wondering whether you may kindly provide me with a feedback on my fixes. Specifically, has this particular feature already been tested during the development? If that is the case, would you by any chance have any contra-indication against my fix (i.e. possible known bugs produced by such changes)? Is there any reason why you deemed including one only threshold value more efficient?

Many thanks in advance!
