
edit: how should we handle states and comments

oliver-sanders opened this issue · 0 comments

Rose configurations support a couple of odd features which don't have direct mappings onto JSON Schema.

We need a proposal for how to support these in a schema driven GUI.


Rose configs have one of three orthogonal states:

  • Normal
  • Ignored (!) - Config has been ignored by the user (i.e. manual intervention)
  • Trigger Ignored (!!) - Config has been ignored by metadata logic (e.g. this config is not needed because another is set tox)

The current rose edit allows users to change the state of configs live.

Just to muddy the waters, sections can be ignored too with the ^ prefix.


In Rose comments are functional, they are displayed and are editable in the GUI.

Example of Rose comment for the configuration [env]FOO in a rose-app.conf file:

# bodge to keep the universe from collapsing in a puff of logic

Comments look like metadata, but they are part of the configuration.