
Example combining Blazor with ML.NET

Primary LanguageC#


Example application that shows how to integrate a Blazor server-side application with ML.NET

  • Users can upload images using the Blazor application, which are classified into one of 1000 labels using the ML.NET model.
  • The ML.NET model simply loads a pre-trained TensorFlow Google's inception model (available here)


Make sure you have the .NET Core SDK 3.1 installed (download here) and clone this repo.

You will see a solution with 2 projects:

  • The ModelBuilder is used to generate the ML.NET model, which is then saved to a ZIP file for the Blazor app to classify uploaded images
    cd ModelBuilder
    dotnet build
    dotnet run
    # ML.NET model's zip saved to PredictionModel.zip
  • The BlazorClient provides the server-side Blazor app. Navigate the the Identify Image page (or /identify) to upload an image (using the BlazorInputFile component), which will be classified using the previously saved ML.NET model
      cd BlazorClient
      dotnet build
      dotnet run
      # navigate to https://localhost:5001/identify

There are sample images in the SampleImages folder (see wikimedia.md for attribution) which you can use to test the application

Mac/Linux users

The code relies on System.Drawing in order to convert an image into a bitmap. While System.Drawing is now part of .NET Core you will probably need to install its GDI+ dependencies:

# Linux
sudo apt install libc6-dev
sudo apt install libgdiplus
# Mac
brew install mono-libgdiplus

Feel free to try and use alternatives to System.Drawing such as ImageSharp.
