
Can't parse math mode LaTex for the THETA block

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi Dan,
I recall that you had mentioned LaTeX syntax etc... could be applied in the comment sections of a NONMEM control file..
For example in $THETA block..
;[L] \theta_{V{1}}
I could use "V{1}" to display V[subscript(1)]. However, I couldn't make "\theta_{V{1}}" work .. Any suggestions/ideas?

Hi Naren,
;[L] $\\theta_{V_1}$
;[L] $\theta_{V_1}$

I don't remember off the top of my head if we need to escape the escapes or not.

Hi Dan.. Neither seems to work.. Also tried with Theta.. also like

;[L/h] $\Theta_{CL}$

Sorry the dollar signs shouldn't be in there. This should work:
;[L/h] \theta_{CL}

;[L/h] \theta_{CL_1}

I had tried that as well.. didn't work..

Also tried.. mathJax..syntax.. didnt work..

[L/h] \theta_{CL} or [L/h] \\theta_{CL} should work, if not there's something else going on.

If you change it to just [L/h] CL it works?

;[L/h] CL works

[L/h] \theta_{CL} or [L/h] \\theta_{CL} didn't work

OK, I'll dive in and take a look -- sorry for sending you down the rabbit hole.

No worries! I came out of it! I let you go there! :)

Thanks so much for your help! :)