ShopSpree Sales

Rails: 4.2.4 Spree: 3.0.x (branch: 3-0-stable)

Extends hhff/spree_ams gem.

ShopSpree Sales app is a sample Spree app providing user facing API endpoints.

The app also uses following frequently used Spree extensions.

VinSol has also created Spree iOS and Spree Android sample applications using this extension.


  • Clone this repository.

  • Copy the following files from '/config' directory:

    • database.yml.example => database.yml
  • Install all the necessary dependencies using the bundler.

    bundle install
  • Create a database for the application using:

    bundle exec rake db:create
  • Run the migrations to create all the tables and indices:

    bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Optionally, you can seed data from Spree and get sample data with the following commands:

    bundle exec rake db:seed
    bundle exec rake spree_sample:load
  • Now start your rails application using:

    rails server

Credits Ruby on Rails, iOS and Android developers

Copyright (c) 2016, released under the New MIT License