
Add a page for MFEM-based applications

tzanio opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Add a page listing MFEM-based projects, applications and tools.

Include a picture, short paragraph and links, see for example and

Apps/projects/tools to consider:

@tzanio Is this meant to list a project (like RF-SciDAC) or applications, or both?
Either way, happy to contribute.

I am not sure which one is better -- we may have different sections or pages for either, or mix them up.

The idea came out ot the workshop, there is so much good work using MFEM and will be nice to highlight it ๐Ÿ˜„

Another idea is to add "People of MFEM" page, similar to

Mocked this up on my local... Feedback welcome.


Hi @hauten,

I like your mockup, thanks for putting it together!

I am not sure we need the first section (I'd call CEED a project rather than organization).

It is a good question how to distinguish this from the gallery. I don't have a good answer, maybe some redundancy is not a bad thing... The main distinction for me is that here we will have more space to describe the project/application and list some of the associated publications.

Once we agree on the structure, we can hopefully split the work with different people working on the different sections.


thanks for considering to include our work in this list. Happy to put together some figures/description whenever you decide on which format you would want to use.

I'm hoping to take advantage of quiet days next week to circle back to this.

@tzanio Here's an updated version on my local. Each project is a heading so users can jump down the list in the right-hand menu (which will be important as the list grows). Publications are listed within each project description. Thoughts?


Thanks @hauten, this looks good to me, do you want to open a PR for it?

@acfisher, what do you think?