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| | | | | \__ | | __| | | | | |
|_| |_| |_|___|_|\___|_| |_| |_| CLI
McAfee SIEM Command Line Interface
Most of the msiempy
features accessible with CLI.
Based on the work of Andy Walden.
msiem config Set and print your msiempy config.
msiem alarms Query alarms with alarms and events based regex filters.
Print, acknowledge, unacknowledge and delete alarms.
msiem esm Show ESM version and misc informations regarding your ESM.
msiem ds Add datasources from CSV or INI files, list, search, remove.
msiem events Query events with any simple filter.
msiem api Quickly make API requests to any enpoints with any data.
$ pip install msiem --upgrade
Read the documentation or use msiem -h