
The tvOS target is not part of the Podspec in the cocoapods master repo

wolf81 opened this issue · 1 comments

The tvOS target is missing from the SKTiled podspec downloaded from the Cocoapods master repo.

  "name": "SKTiled",
  "version": "1.20",
  "summary": "SKTiled is a framework for using Tiled content with Apple's SpriteKit.",
  "description": "SKTiled is a framework for using Tiled content with Apple's SpriteKit, allowing the creation of game assets from .tmx files.",
  "authors": {
    "Michael Fessenden": ""
  "homepage": "",
  "license": {
    "type": "MIT",
    "file": ""
  "platforms": {
    "ios": "11.0",
    "osx": "10.13",
  "source": {
    "git": "",
    "tag": "1.20"
  "source_files": "Sources/*.swift",
  "requires_arc": true

The tvOS target should be added, as is in this repo.

It seems I forgot to update the Cocoapods index; I'll take care of this right away.