
Coach is a simulation and rendering framework for COntrolling Articulated CHarcters

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Coach, short for COntrolling Articulated CHarcters, is an all-in-one simulation and rendering framework for controlling the motion of dynamically simulated rigid articulated characters.

Coach is built on top of the Ammo.js dynamics simulation library, and uses THREE.js for rendering.

For examples of coach in action, see SimbiconJS

Please note that Coach is currently in very early stages of development, so you are very likely to come across missing features and bugs. If you are interested in contributing to the development of Coach, feel free to send me an email at mcfirmin@gmail.com, or just clone/fork the repo and make a pull request!


Include the file coach.js (found in static/coach.js) on your webpage, which exposes the variable Coach in the global scope.

In the following example, we create a simple articulated pendulum.

See the wiki (coming soon!) for more detailed instructions on creating and controlling characters with coach.

Create a World

To create a simulated world using Coach, first call

var world = new Coach.World({
  "dt": 0.0001,
  "cameraOptions": {
    "type": "perspective",
    "position": [2,2,2],
    "target": [0,1,0],

Where the first argument is a javascript Object with entries

  • dt(float): stepsize (in seconds) to run the simulation at (default: 0.0002)

And, cameraOptions defining the camera to view the scene with. See the wiki for more detailed instructions

Note that a very small timestep (0.0002) is required for the SimbiconJS example above. If you have simpler characters, you may be able to use drastically larger stepsizes.

This will append a dom Element to the body of the page.

Add entities to the world

Next, construct entities as follows

var ground = new Coach.entities.Box([100,1,1], {mass: 0, color: [100,100,100], id: 'ground', position: [0, -0.5, 0] });
var pivot  = new Coach.entities.Box([0.1,0.1,0.1], {mass: 0, color: [255,0,0], position: [0, 2, 0]});
var link1  = new Coach.entities.Box([0.5, 0.1, 0.1], {mass: 1, color: [0,255,0], position: [0.25, 2, 0]});
var link2  = new Coach.entities.Box([0.5, 0.1, 0.1], {mass: 1, color: [0,0,255], position: [0.75, 2, 0]});
var link3  = new Coach.entities.Box([0.5, 0.1, 0.1], {mass: 1, color: [0,255,255], position: [1.25, 2, 0]});

The Box constructor takes three arguments: an array of 3 floats specifying the width, height, and depth of the box. The last parameter for all entities is an object that may contain the following optional arguments:

  • mass (float, default: 0)
  • color (RGB triplet, default: [])
  • position (array of 3 floats [x,y,z] default: [0, 0, 0])
  • orientation (array of 4 floats representing a quaternion [w, x, y, z] default: [1, 0, 0, 0])
  • id (unique string)

Objects with mass 0 will be static (other entities will collide with them, but they will not be affected by gravity, etc)

The id must be a unique string. If one is not provided, Coach will generate one.

Coach currently supports Box, Capsule, Cylinder, and Sphere entities.

Add Joints

Next, we add joints between the links of the pendulum. Currently, hinge and ball joints are supported.

var j0 = new Coach.joints.Ball(pivot, link1, [0,2,0], {
  "torqueScale": [0.1, 1.0, 1.0],
var j1 = new Coach.joints.Ball(link1, link2, [0.5,2,0], {
  "torqueScale": [0.1, 1.0, 1.0],
var j2 = new Coach.joints.Ball(link2, link3, [1.0,2,0], {
  "torqueScale": [0.1, 1.0, 1.0],

Ball Joints take 5 arguments: the parent entity, the child entity, the initial position of the joint, and an optional options object. The "torqueScale" option is necessary to keep the simulation stable, after we add control in a later step.

Entities and Joints can also be bundled up as a Character, which can be stored in a JSON representation. See the wiki for more information about creating Characters (coming soon!).

Start the simulation

Finally, to begin the simulation, just call



While Coach makes it easy to create simple passive simulations, its real power comes in controlling the simulation by manipulating joint torques.

Next, we will use a Proportional Derivative (PD) Controller in order to set the target angle of the last joint to 90 degrees. The benefit of using a PD controller over simply setting joint angles is that the PD Controller produces a torque, which is fed into the physics engine itself, producing realistic motion.

var pdc = new Coach.controllers.PDController3D(j1, {"X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": 1.57});
var pdc2 = new Coach.controllers.PDController3D(j2, {"X": 0, "Y": 1.57, "Z": 0});

var simulationCallback = function(dt) {
  var torque = pdc.evaluate();
  var torque2 = pdc2.evaluate();

Here, we specify a PD controller to bring joint 1 to 1.57 radians (90 degrees) about its local Z axis, and joint 2 about its Y axis. In a callback function, we evaluate the PD controller, and add the resulting torque to the joint. Finally, we update our existing world.go() function by passing in this callback as an argument.

world.go({"simulationCallback": simulationCallback});

The simulation will then apply the callback at every simulation step. Note that joint torques are reset to zero after each simulation step.

See the full example in action here, and full code here