
Plugin returns error timed out

marijana-rukavina opened this issue · 8 comments

What does not work?
I did everything as described in the documentation but when I visit the website homepage I get this:

How to reproduce?
It is a customer project, so I cannot reveal the details

Expected behavior
It should work as described in the docs.

Screenshots / Animated Gifs

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Chrome version: 105
  • Cypress version: 9.7.0

Additional info
I am using Typescript with Cypress, but I named my spec files as js otherwise the command lighthouse was not recognized

Can you please help? I am not sure what am I missing here

Get the same error on all my tests when the user is logged in.

I noticed that this error appears in the open mode in case I switch between the window that lighthouse opened and the regular view of the test runner.
Haven't tried it yet with the run command.

Same issue, both open and run commands, any solution ?

@kevinblanco @marijana-rukavina : I am also facing the same issue and suspecting its due to no new package version post v1.3.1 has been released.
Currently multiple changes are missing like for this issue , below fix of typing can be potential solution : 084d46d

@mfrachet : Can you help to publish the new version v1.3.2 with all latest changes ?

v1.4.2 is released. Is this issue still happening?

@mfrachet I am not able to check it at the moment. As soon as things work out for me, I will check it. Sorry for that

@mfrachet Yes this issue is happening even with v1.4.2
"@cypress-audit/lighthouse": "^1.4.2",
"@cypress-audit/pa11y": "^1.4.2",

I have found solution for this. Just add taskTimeout: 180000 to your cypress.config.js