
tparse can hide the existence of packages without tests in them

marco-m opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello @mfridman :-)

When a Go module has two packages, one of which has zero tests, and go test is run with the all paths option ./..., then tparse completely hides the existence of the package without tests.

I made a as-small-as-possible repro at

Thanks for a repro (as always). You'll want the -notests flag here. I found in very large monorepos ./... produces a lot of noise, so "no test files" are hidden by default unless you opt-in to see them.

The exception is if there is one and only one "no tests" package with no other passed packages. This almost always happens when a user targeted or incorrectly attempted to match a package.

Ah, I should have read the docs better! And you explanation for the default makes sense.
Thanks, I really like the new tparse.