
feat: Support for benchmarks

joestringer opened this issue · 6 comments

When running a benchmark through tparse (v0.10.3), it appears that the benchmark information is omitted from the table. It would be neat to be able to also display benchmark results in a table format.


goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
BenchmarkParseLabel-8                    4532698               260.2 ns/op
BenchmarkLabels_SortedList-8             1354594               876.3 ns/op           664 B/op         13 allocs/op
BenchmarkLabel_FormatForKVStore-8       24836546                42.30 ns/op           48 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkLabel_String-8                 25113582                49.72 ns/op           48 B/op          1 allocs/op
ok     5.935s
│  STATUS │ ELAPSED │               PACKAGE               │ COVER │ PASS │ FAIL │ SKIP  │
│  PASS   │ 5.94s   │ │ 0.0%  │    0 │    0 │    0  │


│  STATUS │ ELAPSED │ TEST                               │ CPU         | MEMORY   | ALLOCATIONS  | PACKAGE        │
│  PASS   │    0.00 │ BenchmarkParseLabel-8              │ 260.2 ns/op |          |              │ labels         |
│  PASS   │    0.00 │ BenchmarkLabels_SortedList-8       | 876.3 ns/op | 664 B/op | 13 allocs/op │ labels         │

Sounds reasonable. Thinking out loud, if we detect that at least 1 package has benchmark results then we expand the table to include (as you suggested):

  • cpu
  • memory
  • allocations

Am I missing any other fields?

This does mean a test from another package that doesn't have benchmarks would be blanked out --, correct?

One concern I have is the length of each row. Example

│  PASS   │    0.00 │ TestFoo/TestBar/TestBaz/AndTestFinalOutcome/test_02.json    │ tests    │

There is a -smallscreen to attempt and mitigate for narrow outputs, especially in CI.

But with 3 added columns this may not look so pretty, especially if the there is wrapping for longer lines. Not sure what the right solution here is, maybe a different format. Orrr just let it run long.

Am I missing any other fields?

The only other one I see on the raw text output is the actual number of benchmarked operations, but I don't think that's necessarily a useful number by itself.

This does mean a test from another package that doesn't have benchmarks would be blanked out --, correct?

I'm not sure if you can run benchmarks and regular unit tests at the same time. When I do go test -bench . ./pkg/foo, it seems to only pick up the benchmarks and run those.

But with 3 added columns this may not look so pretty, especially if the there is wrapping for longer lines. Not sure what the right solution here is, maybe a different format. Orrr just let it run long.

Well, a benchmark doesn't pass or fail as far as I understand, so that one can be skipped. The package may also be redundant if the specific test name is listed. So that would leave elapsed, then probably the cpu/memory/allocations options.

It seems like sometimes, the benchmark will only measure CPU (probably in cases where the code under test doesn't perform any memory allocations at all). One option for -smallscreen would be to only print the ns/op rate. I do think that all three benchmark metrics are useful though. 🤔

Took a first pass at this, just need to figure out how to nicely display so it makes sense. I'm thinking this might be a net new table.

Sample output from running benchmarks in

go test ./pkg/labels -bench=. -run= -benchtime=1s -v -cover
│                TEST                │     CPU      │   MEM    │    ALLOC     │  PACKAGE    │
│  BenchmarkParseLabel-8             │ 424.70 ns/op │ 0 B/op   │ 0 allocs/op  │ pkg/labels  │
│  BenchmarkLabels_SortedList-8      │ 613.10 ns/op │ 664 B/op │ 13 allocs/op │ pkg/labels  │
│  BenchmarkLabel_FormatForKVStore-8 │ 32.22 ns/op  │ 48 B/op  │ 1 allocs/op  │ pkg/labels  │
│  BenchmarkLabel_String-8           │ 37.51 ns/op  │ 48 B/op  │ 1 allocs/op  │ pkg/labels  │

Adding myself to the list here as we would love to have this too :)

I should have some cycles in December, so I'll try to bang this out.