
pg-index-health-sql is a set of sql-queries for analyzing and maintaining indexes and tables health in Postgresql databases.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


pg-index-health-sql is a set of sql-queries for analyzing and maintaining indexes and tables health in Postgresql databases.

Lint Code Base License: Apache 2.0

Supported PostgreSQL versions

PostgreSQL 12 PostgreSQL 13 PostgreSQL 14 PostgreSQL 15 PostgreSQL 16

Support for previous versions of PostgreSQL

Compatibility with PostgreSQL versions 9.6, 10 and 11 is no longer guaranteed, but it is very likely.
We focus only on the currently maintained versions of PostgreSQL.
For more information please see PostgreSQL Versioning Policy.

Available checks

pg-index-health-sql allows you to detect the following problems:

  1. Invalid (broken) indexes (sql).
  2. Duplicated (completely identical) indexes (sql).
  3. Intersected (partially identical) indexes (sql).
  4. Unused indexes (sql).
  5. Foreign keys without associated indexes (sql).
  6. Indexes with null values (sql).
  7. Tables with missing indexes (sql).
  8. Tables without primary key (sql).
  9. Indexes bloat (sql).
  10. Tables bloat (sql).
  11. Tables without description (sql).
  12. Columns without description (sql).
  13. Columns with json type (sql).
  14. Columns of serial types that are not primary keys (sql).
  15. Functions without description (sql).
  16. Indexes with boolean (sql).
  17. Tables with not valid constraints (sql).
  18. B-tree indexes on array columns (sql).
  19. Sequence overflow (sql).
  20. Primary keys with serial types (sql).

Local development



To run super-linter locally:

docker run \
  -e RUN_LOCAL=true \
  -v $(pwd):/tmp/lint \


Use cmd on Windows:

docker run ^
  -e RUN_LOCAL=true ^
  -v "%cd%":/tmp/lint ^