
Handling coordination result when pushing view controller

DocMacFain opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, first thank you very much for share you idea about MVVM-C!

I would like to use this approach, but I face such problem like handling coordination result when I push some view controller inside of navigation stack. If I would use present(_ viewControllerToPresent) of second view controller, I will handle cancel tab bar item action and emit some event likes CoordinationResult.cancel, but how I should handle situation with pushing?

mgacy commented

Sorry, I don't completely understand your question. Could you provide some basic code showing what you are trying to do?

@mgacy Thank you for your attention!

If we would ignore it we will catch memory leak.

Sometimes I have two cases when Im going to another VC - 1) I have some coordination result; 2) I don't have any result, and I don't need emit some events (likes just pressing back button at navigation controller) .

   override func start() -> Observable<Void> {

        return viewModel.signInAction
            .flatMap({ [weak self] _ -> Observable<AuthCoordinationResult> in
                guard let `self` = self else { return Observable.empty() }
                return self.showSiteAuthScene(on: navigationController)
            .filter({ $0 == .signedIn })

  override func start() -> Observable<AuthCoordinationResult> {

        rootViewController.pushViewController(authViewController, animated: true)

        let complete  = viewModel.authCompleteAction
            .map({ SiteAuthCoordinationResult.canceled })

        let cancelled = %some code to understand that user pressed back button / used back swipe%

    // but what we should to do, if we don't need any results?

        return Observable.merge(complete, cancelled)
mgacy commented

I'm still not sure that I completely understand your question, but I think you are asking about how to handle horizontal flows where we push a child coordinator. This is one of the primary problems with the coordinator pattern and I honestly haven't needed to develop a complete solution to it. You can find some discussions of the problem in the following, though none of them address it in the context of RxSwift:

@mgacy Right, thank you for links! I tried to make some same solution