
Cannot do ssh signing

eliottness opened this issue · 1 comments

One of ssh keys relatively new feature gaining in popularity is the ability to sign data, especially useful for git commits but the middleware does not seem to support it. The exact command ran by git is the following:

ssh-keygen -Y sign -n git -f /home/XXX/.ssh/ /tmp/.git_signing_buffer_tmpnDcbzm

But this result in the following error when used with the bridge:

$ ssh-keygen -Y sign -n git -f /home/XXX/.ssh/ /tmp/.git_signing_buffer_tmpnDcbzm
Signing file /tmp/.git_signing_buffer_tmpnDcbzm
<3>WSL (29464) ERROR: UtilBindVsockAnyPort:297: bind failed 38
[2023-04-22 17:44:14.124] [linux-middleware] [critical] End of stream
Couldn't sign message: invalid format
Signing /tmp/.git_signing_buffer_tmpnDcbzm failed: invalid format

Is this a bug of is it just not supported ?

This was a bug from the network bridge of WSL, a update fixed it