
[BUG] Error No.17 -> RedWarden tries to start listener twice

0xShkk opened this issue · 3 comments


thank you for this great tool and your support to the community!

I played around with it today to see if it can be used in my next assessment.
I have noticed two bugs while doing so.

Lets start with the first here.

When starting, RedWarden always tries to start 2 listeners even if only one listener is defined at the config while.
Basically the same as but the tool works as expected. However, the core bug seems not to be solved as I 100% have only one listener defined at my config file.


Thanks for this bug request. Currently I'm on the vacations with a greatly limited access to my computer. Will see what I can do in upcoming days, or will get back to this one in late december.

Thank you for your time to spent to report this one, nice catch!


So, I'm unable to reproduce the issue while having a single listener defined.

@ptr0x1 was kind enough to mention the same issue and propose a hefty workaround for this should anyone else also experience it:
See Peter's workaround here

Since I cannot trigger the bug, I'm not sure how to proceed here.

Closing it now due to lack of further communication. Should the problem remain - feel free to reopen the issue and provide me with more context to analyse it :-)