
Bug: script block logging bypass not working

williamknows opened this issue · 5 comments


  • commit 3c3e059 (currently the latest) compiled with the default configuration for .NET 4.
  • Tested against Server 2016 and Windows 10 (from DetectionLab)
  • Execution via CNA script (import then execute of PowerView commands).

The script block logging bypass used no longer appears to work. I'm seeing a lot of 4104 logs for executed commands.

Damn, that's unfortunate. I'll look into this as soon as I find a spare minute.

Thanks for this issue report. Will keep it open until I address it.


There was a patch for the first bypass. It’s written down here:

It was changed somewhere around November 2017. I got the gists bypass working two days ago ;-)

Thanks @S3cur3Th1sSh1t for your heads-up! Makes it way much easier to fix that one. Will try to hunt it down in a matter of days.

Cheers Mate!

stracciatella-remote doesn't seem to work , the command still executes on localhost though.

stracciatella-remote -v remote ip adress + pipe name + command , here's the syntax I used, weird it still execute on localhost.
Any help ? :) thx

This issue with Script Block Logging should be now addressed in the latest version. :)

Let me know if problem remains.