
Github repo does not show a "Used by" part

hagenw opened this issue · 5 comments

If you look at you will find


This seems not to work for sphinx extensions as this (insipid-sphinx-theme) repo does not show this section and also (which is at least used by two other public Github repos) does snot show it.
Maybe the problem is that they are not listed as direct dependencies, but only as dependencies for the docs by other packages?

I think this is more a Github issue and not related to this repo, but before trying to figure out how to report it at Github, I wanted to note it down here.

Strange, now I can also see it here on the landing page


And now it is gone again:



I think it is just a problem with presenting the dependencies in this project as they are all discovered, see,
where as for sphinxcontrib-katex no dependencies are discovered:

I think this has something to do with Github's web server (load balancing or whatever). I often don't get the "Used by" section on first load, but when I reload a few times, it suddenly appears.

But, as you mentioned, the direct link works reliably.

As for why it doesn't work for, my hypothesis is that Github can handle the old-school quite well but doesn't yet fully support setup.cfg and similar newer technologies.

Thanks for the input.
As it does not really affect as I first thought, feel free to close this issue.