
Bad hyphenation in layout example

mgeisler opened this issue · 0 comments

I just noticed that the layout example looks weird:

$ cargo run --all-features --example layout
.------------------ Width: 46 -------------------.
| Memory safety without garbage collection. Co-  |
| ncurrency without data races. Zero-cost a-     |
| bstractions.                                   |
.-------------------- Width: 49 --------------------.
| Memory safety without garbage collection. Concu-  |
| rrency without data races. Zero-cost a-           |
| bstractions.                                      |
.-------------------- Width: 50 ---------------------.
| Memory safety without garbage collection. Concu-   |
| rrency without data races. Zero-cost abstra-       |
| ctions.                                            |

This is with version 0.9.0. I think there has been a regression since I don't believe it looked like this in the past — notice how all the hyphenated words are broken in weird places.