Deerialize utc-time different from the original field utc-time
hxmcn opened this issue · 8 comments
For a simple Object with DateTime field, assign UTC-Time to it and serialize the object to json-text, then deserialize an object from the same json-text, the UTC-Time does not match with the original value (your time zone should not be UTC to reproduce the bug).
Code Example:
public class MUtcTime
public long ID { get; set; }
public DateTime LogUtcTime { get; set; }
public static void Test()
var m = new MUtcTime
ID = 100,
LogUtcTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
var jText = fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(m);
var gBack = fastJSON.JSON.ToObject<MUtcTime>(jText);
if (m.LogUtcTime == gBack.LogUtcTime)
Is the year, month, day...seconds the same?
Yes. but the hour is different.
If you add the following:
You will get :
2021-12-26 15:42:12
2021-12-26 15:42:12
Which shows the dates are the same, however the objects will not be since the nano seconds are not set on the deserialized dates, hence your condition will fail.
Sorry, I got different result:
Source:2021-12-28 23:19:58
GetBack:2021-12-29 07:19:58
Please see the picture below for details:
Windows 10 English (Time zone is UTC+8, Beijing time)
Visual Studio 2022 Community
.Net 6 Console Application with fastJSON installed from Nuget:
PackageReference Include="fastJSON" Version=""
Full source code:
namespace TestCode
public class TestClass
public class Model { public long ID { get; set; } public DateTime UtcTime { get; set; } }
public static int Main()
// See for more information
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
var model = new Model { ID = 100, UtcTime = DateTime.UtcNow };
var jsonText = fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(model);
var gBack = fastJSON.JSON.ToObject<Model>(jsonText);
Console.WriteLine("Source:" + model.UtcTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
Console.WriteLine($"JsonText: {jsonText}");
Console.WriteLine("GetBack:" + gBack.UtcTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
return 0;
My results
***** tests.aaaaaaa
Source:2021-12-29 06:15:41
JsonText: {"$types":{"tests+Model, UnitTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null":"1"},"$type":"1","ID":100,"UtcTime":"2021-12-29T06:15:41Z"}
GetBack:2021-12-29 06:15:41
var jsonText = fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(model, new JSONParameters { UseUTCDateTime =true});
var gBack = fastJSON.JSON.ToObject<Model>(jsonText , new JSONParameters { UseUTCDateTime=true});
Thanks @mgholam
However, my test shows set UseUTCDateTime = false is OK:
Full source codes:
using fastJSON;
namespace TestCode
public class TestClass
public class Model { public long ID { get; set; } public DateTime UtcTime { get; set; } }
public static int Main()
void Test(string notes, JSONParameters? jParams = null)
var model = new Model { ID = 100, UtcTime = DateTime.UtcNow };
var jsonText = jParams == null ? JSON.ToJSON(model) : JSON.ToJSON(model, jParams);
var gBack = jParams == null ? JSON.ToObject<Model>(jsonText) : JSON.ToObject<Model>(jsonText, jParams);
Console.WriteLine($"\tJsonText: {jsonText}");
Test("Without JSONParameters:");
Test("UseUTCDateTime = true:", new JSONParameters { UseUTCDateTime = true });
Test("UseUTCDateTime = false:", new JSONParameters { UseUTCDateTime = false });
return 0;