
Namespace conflict with webonyx/graphql-php

kirkmadera opened this issue · 4 comments

webonyx/graphql-php is a popular PHP GraphQL server library. I was going to use this module until I discovered that it uses the namespace GraphQl and directly conflicts with webonyx/graphql-php. Any plans to put this under a namespace like MGhoneimy\GraphQl\? This is the only way I could use this module.

I figured out that it happens to work, so long as there are no class naming conflicts. I am only using this as a temporary solution to proxy a middleware until I can replace all GraphQL calls, so this is acceptable. I do think it would make sense to prefix the namespace though. Assuming ownership of \GraphQl makes this not play nice with other libraries. To be honest, webonyx/graphql-php is doing the same thing and should not try to own this namespace, but it's already an established library.

@kirkmadera if you want, you can get started with the PRs I just merged on my fork.
@mghoneimy feel free to merge to your repo if you'd like. Wasn't sure what vendor name to pick, so I used the one on

Hi @kirkmadera ,
While you are completely correct about this, making such a change to the namespaces would break usage for all clients which is not acceptable, and to be honest, I haven't had many complaints about this.
So here's what I think I should do:

  1. Keep this as it is for the time being to maintain backward-compatibility
  2. Modify the namespaces for V2.0 since it's going to be backwards incompatible anyways

Definitely makes sense to make a change like this in a major version change. This is functional at the moment with sharing the same namespace because there are not any class name conflicts as far as I have seen. When/if you do push a 2.x with a namespace change, we will be able to migrate to it.