subdivide abnormal feces composition MP:0003868
Opened this issue · 4 comments
abnormal feces composition MP:0003868 has only 2 child terms and many direct annotations, review the annotations to create new child terms
abnormal/increased/decreased feces lipid content - J:344868 - increase in free fatty acids
existing term steatorrhea would fall under this
Added terms for lipids, cholesterol, bile salts and water content
Leaving this open until we make a decision about steatorrhea #3998
the ELK reasoner puts abnormal feces water content under abnormal body water content but I don't think this is correct so I did not add the parent
Also, how does diarrhea MP:0005036 (under 'abnormal defecation', CHECK EQ) relate to the new term increased feces water content MP:0014483 ?
Compare wih HPO term Diarrhea HP:0002014 which uses the same EQ as the MP term but has addtional child terms.
I've made diarrhea a child of increased feces water content, I wouldn't cal these the same since you may have more water than normal but not be fully diarrhea. But diarrhea clearly has as part an increase in water content.
We should discuss with Leigh the placement of 'melana' MP has this under feces composition but HPO has it under diarrhea