
A prototype of a memory game implemented with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Primary LanguageCSS


After viewing the Memory Game by Nick Salloum I wanted to make something similar, mainly to play with and put together some front end development techniques. So it is not a complete game but only a quick hack. And it was made to run on modern browsers, at the moment only a reduced polyfill is employed.

The game rules are simple: found matching card pairs by flipping them to reveal the underlying background image.

Some jotted down notes on the implementation:


The 4x4 cards grid is always stretched to cover all the user agent viewport, giving each card instance a width and height of 25vw and 25vh respectively, and using the inline-block formatting mode.

The cards are flipped back and forth using CSS 3D Transforms and CSS Transitions. The sign of their Y-axis rotation angle depends on where the user clicks to 'push' the card.

The full viewport background images are displayed with the background-size: cover property and are provided by the Marvel Ipsum Image service.

CSS source is written in Sass and the processed code is feed to Autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes. Normalize.css is used to normalize default styles across browsers.


The code is 100% VanillaJS.

The distribution of the card symbols on the grid is done with the shuffle() Underscore.js routine based on the Fisher-Yates algorithm.

To allow invocations with multiple arguments of the Element.classList.add() method also on browsers like IE 10, I extracted and adapted the relevant code fragment from the classList.js polyfill.