
Unable to get ETags to work

jackpf opened this issue · 1 comments


Can't seem to get etags to work, not sure if I'm missing something. I'm performing a get then a put like so:, (currentEvent) {
    currentEvent[propertyName] = newValue;

    currentEvent.put().then(function() {
        event[propertyName] = newValue; // Update scope

        $.notify(text + ' updated', {
            globalPosition: 'top center',
            className: 'success'

And an 'ETag' header is returned as a header in the first get, however neither an If-Match or an If-None-Match header is added to the subsequent put request.

Is there some configuration I'm missing?

Thanks for any help

Ah my mistake, Access-Control-Expose-Headers was not allowing restangular to see the etag