
_.includes in restangular not working

basav22 opened this issue · 2 comments

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installed restangular from bower with 1.5.2. It has dependency of lodash.js and lodash has removed _.includes method. Hence restangular is breaking

In version 1.5.2 the lodash dependency requires a version greater than or equal to 1.3.0. Unfortunately, the includes method used is found only in version 3 and above. This has been corrected in version 1.6.0, but even when installing Restangular 1.5.2 through Bower in a fresh project, it pulls a compatible version of lodash with it.

$ bower install restangular#1.5.2
bower restangular#1.5.2         cached
bower restangular#1.5.2       validate 1.5.2 against
bower angular#~1.x              cached
bower angular#~1.x            validate 1.6.1 against
bower lodash#>=1.3.0            cached
bower lodash#>=1.3.0          validate 4.17.3 against>=1.3.0
bower lodash#>=1.3.0               new version for>=1.3.0
bower lodash#>=1.3.0           resolve>=1.3.0
bower lodash#>=1.3.0          checkout 4.17.3
bower lodash#>=1.3.0          resolved
bower restangular#1.5.2        install restangular#1.5.2
bower angular#~1.x             install angular#1.6.1
bower lodash#>=1.3.0           install lodash#4.17.3

restangular#1.5.2 bower_components/restangular
├── angular#1.6.1
└── lodash#4.17.3

angular#1.6.1 bower_components/angular
lodash#4.17.3 bower_components/lodash

You can try to update your version of lodash through Bower to a version greater than 3.10.0. This should include the needed methods.