
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON while <restangular-object>.put()

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I am getting an issue while using restangular .put().

I get this on logging the error:

TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
at JSON.stringify ()
at toJson (bundle.js:1590)
at defaults.defaults.transformRequest (bundle.js:11810)
at bundle.js:11730
at forEach (bundle.js:545)
at transformData (bundle.js:11729)
at serverRequest (bundle.js:12627)
at processQueue (bundle.js:17554)
at bundle.js:17602
at Scope.$digest (bundle.js:18715)

Note: I am getting this error for the whole project.
.get() and .post() are working fine, this issue only occurs while using .put()

Got This!
I had improper configuration setup.