
macfusion menu item disappears

Opened this issue · 5 comments

dlee commented

I've set "When I log in, start: the macfusion menu item", and usually it starts, but it always disappears. Once it disappears, there seems to be no way to get it back without restarting the mac.

same problem for me on lion

I'm having the same problem on Lion.

And same problem here.

Same Issue. I am using Mavericks 10.9.1.
However, I don't need to restart. I just need to go to the "Macfusion" Tool Bar and click on "Start Macfusion Menuitem ...".
I wish it would just auto start like the Preference Setting suggests it would.

Here is the crash report for the menuling in case anyone is paying attention. 10.11 in my case, and version 2.05 dev MacFusion.

edit: After updating to the latest MacFUSE the menuling crashing seems to have stopped.