
Java 1.6 JRE on Windows 7 - no class name

Apcio opened this issue · 2 comments

Apcio commented

I am not familiar with Java programs.
I tried to run benchmark as is presented in "Running the Benchmark" topic.
I have copied files to different folder:

And error, that I can see:

I have checked on 1.6 and 1.7 Java JRE.

I know this is old, but the solution on windows is to use the command;

java -cp "IronCushion-0.1.jar;netty-3.3.1.Final.jar" co.adhoclabs.ironcushion.Benchmark

Note the quotes and semicolon instead of a colon.

Apcio commented

Thank you for the answer, but this problem is resolved long time ago.
Sorry for not closed it before.