
How can i use other fonts ?

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SwiftMath is wonderfull. I'm trying to integrate it in my project EureKalc. But I don't understand how to manage using other fonts thant those provided. You writ : "you can use any OTF math font." But the mathFonts bundle contains, for each font, a .ort file and a .plist. I found some .otf files for math fonts on the web. But no .plist file. I suppose I did not understand something important. Can you help ???
Thanks !

Unfortunately adding new fonts is non-trivial. You must first find a font that contains the math symbols required by SwiftMath. Secondly, you need to generate the .plist file using the utility from iosMath. Then you must update the font manager with the new font names. Finally, you need to create a bundle file using Xcode that can be read by SwiftMath.