
Picks and Bans Scene

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The Picks and Bans scene will serve multiple purposes: it will showcase the selected pool of maps, allow both teams to make picks and bans, and provide the casters with a view of the pool and the teams' decisions.

To accomplish this, the scene will start with a list of all the maps in the pool. The maps will be grayed out by default. When a team decides to either pick or ban a map, that map will be highlighted in either red (for bans) or green (for picks). The selected map will then be moved to the side of the team that made the decision, so that it's clear which team picked or banned which map.

The casters will have their own view of the pool and the teams' decisions. They will be anchored to the bottom middle of the screen in a padded box or a similar layout. This will allow them to see both the overall pool of maps and which maps have been picked or banned by each team.

Finally, the teams themselves will be anchored to the top left and top right of the screen. When a team makes a decision, the selected map will be animated to their side of the screen and highlighted in the appropriate color.

Overall, this design should make it easy for everyone to understand which maps have been picked or banned by each team, while also providing the casters with a clear view of the pool and the teams' decisions.

Maps should be listed in the center and not grayed out by default.
Maps should move to the side of the team that picked it.
Grayed out on banned

Critical removed, focus moved in favor of #5 as it seems more feasible at this time.