
Reimplementation of a few containers of the C++ standard library.

Primary LanguageC++

Welcome to 42cursus-ft_containers!

This repository contains a project of the 42 school. This project is about reimplementing some standard containers of the C++ standard library.


The containers implemented in this repository are:

  • vector
  • map
  • stack
  • set (bonus part)

Additionally, the following utilities had to be recoded:

  • reverse_iterator
  • pair
  • make_pair
  • iterator_traits
  • enable_if
  • lexicographical_compare

The general approach is quite simple: the reimplementation has to work exactly the same way as the real one. However, one is free to choose the type of the tree for the map.

If one wants to implement the set as a bonus, the use of a Red-Black-Tree is mandatory.


For the vector, stack and the utilities the approach is simple: just code them accordingly to the published documentation of C++98.

As the "real" map and set are using a Red-Black-Tree, the reimplementation also has to use a self-balancing binary-tree.

My tree follows the requirements of the Red-Black-Tree. The most important rules of it:

  • Inserted nodes are red.
  • All paths through the tree must traverse the same amount of black nodes.
  • There must never be two red nodes following consecutively in a path through the tree.

Accordingly, after an insertion or an erasing, the tree has to be rebalanced.

In order to be capable to iterate through the tree seamlessly, I added a beginning and an end sentinel. They are treated as NIL nodes.

Final notes

This repository will not be developed any further.

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