mhaller/pyffmpeg problem

omria123 opened this issue · 7 comments

the doesnt work, in the python file there is a type error, the script is trying to add list and string, how can i fix it? and what path do i need to change to in ffmpegpath?
and by the way the 2.1 version doesnt work either i transfered the files to the folder Lib\site-packages
and i still cant import pyffmpeg

Change this line
incdir = incdir + list(nd.get_numpy_include_dirs())


templist = list(nd.get_numpy_include_dirs())
templist .append(incdir)
incdir = templist

i still get an error (a different one):
usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
or: --help-commands
or: cmd --help

error: no commands supplied

you have to do a build with the below line:
python build

i still get an error when i try to use build (a very long one)
""" ## cdef AVFormatContext *FormatCtx
cdef AVCodecContext *CodecCtx
cdef AVCodec *Codec
cdef AVOptions *codec_options


pyffmpeg.pyx:3118:9: 'AVOptions' is not a type identifier

Error compiling Cython file:

self.CodecCtx.skip_loop_filter = AVDISCARD_NONKEY
self.CodecCtx.skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONKEY
self.CodecCtx.skip_idct = AVDISCARD_NONKEY
# deprecated
# 1-> Skip B-frames, 2-> Skip IDCT/dequant too, 5-> Skip everything except header


pyffmpeg.pyx:3210:25: Object of type 'AVCodecContext' has no attribute 'hurry_up'

Error compiling Cython file:

self.Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(self.CodecCtx.codec_id)
if self.Codec == NULL:
raise IOError("Unable to get decoder")
if (self.Codec.capabilities & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) and (self.support_truncated!=0):
self.CodecCtx.flags = self.CodecCtx.flags | CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED
ret = avcodec_open(self.CodecCtx, self.Codec)


pyffmpeg.pyx:3303:31: Cannot convert 'AVCodecContext *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:

self.Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(self.CodecCtx.codec_id)
if self.Codec == NULL:
raise IOError("Unable to get decoder")
if (self.Codec.capabilities & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) and (self.support_truncated!=0):
self.CodecCtx.flags = self.CodecCtx.flags | CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED
ret = avcodec_open(self.CodecCtx, self.Codec)


pyffmpeg.pyx:3303:46: Cannot convert 'AVCodec *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:

def set_hurry(self, b=1):
#if we hurry it we can get bad frames later in the GOP
if (b) :
self.CodecCtx.skip_idct = AVDISCARD_BIDIR
self.CodecCtx.skip_frame = AVDISCARD_BIDIR
self.CodecCtx.hurry_up = 1


pyffmpeg.pyx:4034:25: Object of type 'AVCodecContext' has no attribute 'hurry_up'

Error compiling Cython file:

self.CodecCtx.hurry_up = 1
self.hurried_frames = 0
self.CodecCtx.skip_idct = AVDISCARD_DEFAULT
self.CodecCtx.skip_frame = AVDISCARD_DEFAULT
self.CodecCtx.hurry_up = 0


pyffmpeg.pyx:4039:25: Object of type 'AVCodecContext' has no attribute 'hurry_up'

Error compiling Cython file:

# time related functions
# #########################################################

def get_fps(self):
    """ return the number of frame per second of the video """
    return (<float> / <float>

pyffmpeg.pyx:4104:34: Object of type 'AVStream' has no attribute 'r_frame_rate'

Error compiling Cython file:

# time related functions
# #########################################################

def get_fps(self):
    """ return the number of frame per second of the video """
    return (<float> / <float>

pyffmpeg.pyx:4104:72: Object of type 'AVStream' has no attribute 'r_frame_rate'

Error compiling Cython file:

if (self.prepacket):


pyffmpeg.pyx:4252:36: Cannot convert 'AVFormatContext *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:

if (fmt==NULL) or (not (fmt.flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)):
ret = avio_open(&self.FormatCtx.pb, filename, 0)
if ret < 0:
raise IOError("Unable to open file %s (avio_open)" % filename)
if (buf_size>0):


pyffmpeg.pyx:4307:45: Cannot convert 'AVIOContext *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:



    if (mode=="r"):
        ret = av_open_input_stream(&self.FormatCtx,self.FormatCtx.pb,filename,self.FormatCtx.iformat,NULL)

pyffmpeg.pyx:4328:39: Cannot convert 'AVFormatContext **' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:



    if (mode=="r"):
        ret = av_open_input_stream(&self.FormatCtx,self.FormatCtx.pb,filename,self.FormatCtx.iformat,NULL)

pyffmpeg.pyx:4328:69: Cannot convert 'AVIOContext *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:



    if (mode=="r"):
        ret = av_open_input_stream(&self.FormatCtx,self.FormatCtx.pb,filename,self.FormatCtx.iformat,NULL)

pyffmpeg.pyx:4328:96: Cannot convert 'AVInputFormat *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:



    if (mode=="r"):
        ret = av_open_input_stream(&self.FormatCtx,self.FormatCtx.pb,filename,self.FormatCtx.iformat,NULL)

pyffmpeg.pyx:4328:105: Cannot convert 'void *' to Python object
warning: pyffmpeg.pyx:4348:52: Obtaining 'char *' from externally modifiable global Python value

Error compiling Cython file:

# Guess file format with file extention
oc.oformat = av_guess_format(NULL, filename_, NULL)
if (oc.oformat==NULL):
raise Exception, "Unable to find output format for %s\n"
# Alloc priv_data for format
oc.priv_data = av_mallocz(oc.oformat.priv_data_size)


pyffmpeg.pyx:4352:44: Object of type 'AVOutputFormat' has no attribute 'priv_data_size'
warning: pyffmpeg.pyx:4369:35: Obtaining 'char *' from externally modifiable global Python value

Error compiling Cython file:

cdef int ret
cdef int i

    if (track_selector==None):
    ret = av_find_stream_info(self.FormatCtx)

pyffmpeg.pyx:4385:38: Cannot convert 'AVFormatContext *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:

if (self.prepacket):
self.tracks=[] # break cross references


pyffmpeg.pyx:4478:36: Cannot convert 'AVFormatContext *' to Python object

Error compiling Cython file:

if (
## I don't know why it seems that Windows Cython have problem calling the correct virtual function
if ct.CodecCtx.codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO:


pyffmpeg.pyx:4560:41: Invalid types for '==' (AVMediaType, CodecType)

Error compiling Cython file:

if ct.CodecCtx.codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO:
elif ct.CodecCtx.codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO:


pyffmpeg.pyx:4564:43: Invalid types for '==' (AVMediaType, CodecType)

Error compiling Cython file:

ret = av_seek_frame(self.FormatCtx,-1,byte, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD|AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE)#|AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY)
if ret < 0:
raise IOError("Unable to seek: %d" % (ret,))
if (self.io_context!=NULL):
# used to have & here
avio_seek(self.FormatCtx.pb, self.FormatCtx.data_offset, SEEK_SET)


pyffmpeg.pyx:4738:55: Object of type 'AVFormatContext' has no attribute 'data_offset'
building 'pyffmpeg' extension
error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat"""

there is more but i cant see it in cmd

Yeah, I got stuck in this one as well and I issued it before, check the list of issues. but no one has replied me yet

I just forked this today, and I am working resolving a few issues. I think many of the above log messages are due to changes in ffmpeg api. You can follow the progress here