
Massive fail of the modules from qstrader

Trrtrrnch opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello everyone.

Im trying to test an strategy but most of the modules are not working/found.

All the commented modules are the ones which are not working (see pic)

The error message with everone of them is like that (see pic)

Ive just installed the library qstrader following the guide github.
The installation specifications are this (see pic)

My anaconda and python version are (see pic)

How can I fix this problem? I need that modules.

Thank you very much!

Unfortunately, I'm having the same problem. Did you use pip install qstrader or pip install git+

It's disappointing I was trying to use this for a final project

@elavender1 what IDE are you running this in, many times this is a pathing issue. Its installed but you need to tell your software where to find that module by adding the path to your bash profile.