
Rclone compatibility not working cause of header ignored

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Usecase :
I have an rclone client and I try to do that command :
$ rclone copy myinstance:mybucket:test.csv test.csv

It generate a signature from an access_key / access_secret_key couple
That signature use a range header cause my file is a file of 500meg

In a middleware I use aws4 library to compute the signature with all the needed data (same couple of key + request information send by rclone)

The signature is not the same, cause aws4 library remove the range header
I've found it's hardcoded to ignore it (at signature time)

  authorization: true,
  connection: true,
  'x-amzn-trace-id': true,
  'user-agent': true,
  expect: true,
  'presigned-expires': true,
  range: true

I've fork the library to set range to false, it appear to not be overridable with a configuration
My question here is, why do you ignore that header? Is there a reason? (other bug?)
I understand that's it's a combination of multiple library
Apparently in aws4fetch they ignore it, but as they don't have same usecase I'm not sure it's a good reference.

Thanks by advance, I think best way to go with it, could be to have it in option, keeping your current standard configuration

Look like they got the same issue at the end

mhart commented

You can now do this using extraHeadersToInclude:

  service: 'mycustomservice',
  path: '/whatever',
  headers: {
    'Range': 'bytes=200-1000, 2000-6576, 19000-'
  extraHeadersToInclude: {
    'range': true