
Add ability to do synchronous formatting

Closed this issue · 9 comments

It would be useful to have the option to format synchronously with something like FormatSync. I work on a pretty large mono repo with a lot of generated protobuf code and sometimes goimports takes quite a long time to run which often results in the Buffer changed while formatting, skipping message or when the format is successful it can go unnoticed.

Having a FormatSync would also let users have the following autocommand which would enable formatting on :wq (#98)

autocmd BufWritePre *.go FormatSync

If you want synchrony formatting, could you not just use formatprg?

I guess that's true but this library really simplifies the configuration part. For formatters that don't use stdin, you'd have to define a function somewhere and then set formatexpr for each filetype whereas this plugin is can all be defined in one place in a consistent manor.

I have FormatWriteSync working locally, if you're interested I can open a PR. Likewise if it's not something you think this plugin should support I completely understand and we can close this ticket!

I guess that's true but this library really simplifies the configuration part.

that's true :+1

Open the PR! I have nothing against supporting it, as long as it doesn't add a bunch of complexity.

@itmecho Does the buffer locking implementation in #175 satisfy your needs? Buffer locking runs formatting asynchronously, but it marks the buffer as unmodifiable during formatting.

If it doesn't I can add a new feature PR using the code from #109.

I think it looks good for most cases but it doesn't solve the problem of opening a file, making a change that needs formatting and then running :wq. If the format isn't instant you end up with an unformatted file which is a bit of a pain.

It almost needs something like a sync on exiting neovim to wait for any outstanding async format jobs?

That would be a neat feature - I'll look into it tomorrow.

I'm not sure how to implement that but if it's a pain I don't think it should hold up the current PR!

ofc - ill merge the current PR in the next week/two weeks to see if anyone has an objection and ill make this feature into another PR if i deem it feasible

closing this in favor of a new issue