
exe option needs to be able to search relative to the current file

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Shell command and output (optional):

Which configuration?
Type (custom or builtin):

Configuration(s) (post all the variants you tried):

my linting.lua (i separate out my packer configs by groups of plugins + config)

-- Linters don't all have language server plugins,
-- otherwise I'd use the lsp integration
return function (use)
  use {
    config = function()
    -- Utilities for creating configurations
      local util = require "formatter.util"
      local prettierConfig = function()
        return {
          exe = "./node_modules/.bin/prettier",
          args = {"--stdin-filepath", vim.fn.shellescape(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)), "--single-quote"},
          stdin = true

      -- Provides the Format, FormatWrite, FormatLock, and FormatWriteLock commands
      require("formatter").setup {
        -- All formatter configurations are opt-in
        filetype = {
          -- lua = {function() return {exe = "lua-format", stdin = true} end},
          json = { prettierConfig },
          html = { prettierConfig },
          typescript = { prettierConfig },
          javascript = { prettierConfig },
          handlebars = { prettierConfig },
          ['typescript.glimmer']  = { prettierConfig },
          ['javascript.glimmer']  = { prettierConfig },

          -- Use the special "*" filetype for defining formatter configurations on
          -- any filetype
          ["*"] = {
            -- "formatter.filetypes.any" defines default configurations for any
            -- filetype


Expected behavior

in my monorepo, the exe should match the nearest node_modules directory, rather than require that my monorepo-root (CWD) have the bins available.

Actual behaviour

command not found

Additional context

using a monorepo where the CWD is the monorepo root. My configuration works if I install prettier at the top level directory (root package.json -- (all JS projects))