Failed to run formatter sed
supeep opened this issue · 3 comments
supeep commented
I am using the Windows 10 system, Neovim version 0.9.0. After installing and configuring formatter.nvim, I used the ': Format' command in the '. c' file and generated an error warning without formatting the file.
Here is my formatter configuration file
Add:I realize that I used the wrong method name. .c should use astyle .java should use clangformat
Here is the error message.
"Failed to run formatter sed ... : -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `''^M"
supeep commented
I'm sorry, I successfully formatted the .c file by changing from stylua to astyle, although it still reports the same error after formatting.
My configure is:
-- Utilities for creating configurations
local util = require "formatter.util"
-- Provides the Format, FormatWrite, FormatLock, and FormatWriteLock commands
require("formatter").setup {
-- Enable or disable logging
logging = true,
-- Set the log level
log_level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
-- All formatter configurations are opt-in
filetype = {
-- Formatter configurations for filetype "lua" go here
-- and will be executed in order
lua = {
-- "formatter.filetypes.lua" defines default configurations for the
-- "lua" filetype
c = {
require("formatter.filetypes.c").astyle ,
java = {
-- Use the special "*" filetype for defining formatter configurations on
-- any filetype
["*"] = {
-- "formatter.filetypes.any" defines default configurations for any
-- filetype
robamu commented
I have the same issue on Windows 11.