Formatter fails on secondary drives (D)
nmiguel opened this issue · 2 comments
Which configuration?
Type (custom or builtin):
Filetype: multiple, at least JSON. YAML, python
Formatter: js-beautify, prettier, black
Configuration(s) (post all the variants you tried):
return {
event = { "VeryLazy" },
keys = {
-- Customize or remove this keymap to your liking
mode = { "n", "x" },
desc = "Conform File",
config = function()
logging = true,
log_level = vim.log.levels.DEBUG,
filetype = {
lua = { require("formatter.filetypes.lua").stylua },
python = { require("formatter.filetypes.python").black },
cs = { require("formatter.filetypes.cs").csharpier },
json = { require("formatter.filetypes.json").prettier },
yaml = { require("formatter.filetypes.yaml").prettier },
Expected behavior
Formatters should format the buffer
Actual behaviour
Get empty error message. Get INFO message "No change necessary with "
Additional context
I've tried the same file in both my C and D drive, plugin always fails on D drive, works on C. Using Windows 10, default command prompt.