Pi4J website

Sources of the documentation website of the Pi4J project.


If you want to contribute to this website, make a fork and create a merge request.

New release

When a new release of Pi4J is created, following has to be modified in this website:

  • Root _index.md: update version and date
  • about/release-notes.md: update the content to match the new version

Created with GoHugo

This website is created with the static site generator Hugo.


Uses the Hugo-theme-learn.

Special layout components are explained on learn.netlify.app/en/shortcodes.

Additional tools

Gallery image view

https://www.liwen.id.au/heg/#gallery-usage https://github.com/liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery/

Example use:

{{< gallery >}}
{{< figure link="/assets/... .png" caption="" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}}
{{< figure link="/assets/... .png" caption="" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}}
{{< figure link="/assets/... .png" caption="" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}}
{{< /gallery >}}
{{< load-photoswipe >}}

The last line only must be added once per page if multiple galleries are used.

Text format

All pages are separate md-files inside the content directory. The formatting of the text needs to use the rules specified in commonmark.org.

Test locally

To test the site locally, first install Hugo as described on "Install Hugo".

Example, for Mac:

brew install hugo

To run the site, open the terminal in the directory with the sources of this site and run the following command:

cd pi4j.github.io
hugo serve

The website is now available on localhost:1313.

Build and run on GitHub Pages

Using a GitHub Action, the site is published on each commit into the main branch of this repository.

The "docs" directory is auto-generated by this GitHub Action so should never be manually touched. This directory is pushed to GitHub Pages.

This process is described here: