
Langtool with Emacspeak

devinprater opened this issue · 0 comments

Good day,

Emacspeak is a tool for Emacs which allows Emacs to be used by people who are blind. It uses Advise to know what Emacs is doing. I'm trying to use this with Langtool, and it works a little. The issues I'm having are:

  • When I do C-x 4 c, (langtool-correct-buffer), Emacspeak just reads the bottom of the mini buffer, where instructions for how to use the buffer are, not the actual error or corrections.
  • I can find out what the error is by doing C-x 4 4, (langtool-show-message-at-point), but the error isn't spoken unless I have Emacspeak speak the last thing in the Messages buffer (emacspeak-speak-message-again), bound to C-e a. I can then hear the problem, and do C-4 c 0, which hopefully corrects it. If not, I hear an error sound from Emacspeak, and can try to correct it manually.

So, what I'm asking is, can these two things be fixed? Can lang-tool be used with the function ispell uses for langtool-correct-buffer? And can langtool-show-message-at-point use the regular print function? This works well when the langtool-correct-buffer finishes, and langtool says that there are errors or not, but not when using langtool to show message at point.

I'm sorry if this isn't as specific as you need. I'm not a programmer, just a writer that finds Emacs more useful than any modern text editor. Langtool has been very useful already. I've found uncapitalized sentences, grammar problems, and more that I wouldn't have with other tools.