
Plugin setup: Cannot set property 'createOrUpdateFiles' of undefined

solarmosaic-kflorence opened this issue · 3 comments

Using the instructions provided on

const github = require("@actions/github");
const { GitHub, getOctokitOptions } = require("@actions/github/lib/utils");
const octokitCommitMultipleFiles = require("octokit-commit-multiple-files");

function getOctokit(githubToken) {
  // I believe this is the same as Oktokit.plugin()
  const octokit = GitHub.plugin(octokitCommitMultipleFiles);
  return new octokit(getOctokitOptions(githubToken, { userAgent }));

When getOctokit(token) is invoked, it results in an error: Cannot set property 'createOrUpdateFiles' of undefined.

For now, the workaround is:

const octokitCommitMultipleFiles = require("octokit-commit-multiple-files/create-or-update-files");
const octokit = github.getOctokit(githubToken, { userAgent });
await octokitCommitMultipleFiles(, { ... });

Note instead of just octokit since this project refers to things like octokit.git but that property seems to only exist at in the client returned by @actions/github.

mheap commented

This is related to the change in v18.5.0 where the methods were moved to the rest namespace. Version 4.0.0 will be released soon which resolves this issue 👍

mheap commented

v4.0.0 has now been released