💫 About Me:

👋 Hi, I’m @mohendy25.
🔎 I'm currently doing HCI research under Professor Hongyi Wen. I also contributed to Professor Margaret Minsky's research.
👀 I’m interested in Human-Computer Interaction, AI, and Software Development.
🌱 I’m currently studying Computer Science at NYU.
📫 email: mmh10013@nyu.edu


👨‍💻 Projects

Name Description Year Technologies Repo Demo
Kiwi Personalized Learning through a Large Language Model-Powered Recommender System 2023 ReactMUITypeScriptExpress.jsMongoDBPyTorchTensorFlowPythonPandasChatGPTLaTeXDockerGoogle CloudAWSHTML5CSS3Swagger Repo Private for Research (Email for Details!) Demo
PoseShare Enabling Full-Body Inter-Tile Interaction in Video Conferencing 2023 TypeScriptTensorFlowSocket.ioExpress.jsViteD3DockerAWSHTML5CSS3 Repo Demo
Image Recognition Compeition Machine Learning (CSCI-SHU 360) Final Compeition Code & Report 2023 PyTorchLaTeXNumPyPandasMatplotlib Repo Report
Air Ticket Reservation System A Website for Customers, Agents, and Airline Staff to Book and Manage Flights 2023 FlaskMySQLPostmanJavaScriptHTML5CSS3 Repo Demo
UEFA Champions League - A Visual Narrative Information Visualization (DATS-SHU 235) Final Project 2023 ReactD3Github PagesJavaScriptPythonHTML5CSS3GIST Repo Demo
Amazona Cloning Parts of Aamazon's Interface 2023 PostmanJavaScriptNodeJSExpress.jsHTML5CSS3WebpackESLintBabel Repo Demo
Data Science Project A Mini Project for my Data Science Internship 2022 scikit-learnNumPyPandasMatplotlib Repo Demo
Chat System Chat & Play Python Server 2021 Python Repo YouTube
Data Science Tools Implementation of Commonly Used Data Science Libraries 2021 NumPyPandasMatplotlibOpenCV Repo Demo

📊 GitHub Stats:

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