
error: could not build Objective-C module 'GeoQueries'

grantspilsbury opened this issue · 4 comments


When I try print out one of my objects to the debugger console area I get the following error:

(lldb) po events
error: in auto-import:
failed to get module 'Pulse' from AST context:
<module-includes>:2:9: note: in file included from <module-includes>:2:
#import "Headers/GeoQueries-Swift.h"

error: /Users/gs/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Pulse-cvkoiqauohlejddryiycdlpbhhev/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/RealmGeoQueries/GeoQueries.framework/Headers/GeoQueries-Swift.h:141:12: error: cannot find interface declaration for 'RealmSwiftObject'
@interface RealmSwiftObject (SWIFT_EXTENSION(GeoQueries))

error: could not build Objective-C module 'GeoQueries'

Any idea what could be the issue?

Try po print(events) or po events.description after clean project an Derived Data

Sorry, for the moment is not possible.
findNearby() needs a radius that is a computed property. Computed property can't be used with NSPredicate and the query is made manually:

let radius = distance.filter { (obj: Object) -> Bool in
       return obj.objDist <= radius            