
Python script to send automated emails with recent additions to a Zotero group library

Primary LanguagePython

znotifier - Python script to send automated emails with recent additions to a Zotero group library.


  • pyzotero
  • API key with read-only access to the Zotero group library.
  • cron


  • Install pyzotero: pip install pyzotero.
  • Modify the path to settings.ini in znotify.py (use absolute paths when running cronjobs).
  • Generate a API key for the Zotero group library through the Zotero.com web interface.
  • Modify settings.ini itself: SMTP-settings, Zotero credentials, generation-interval in days (this needs to be the same interval as in the cronjob).
  • Modify the cronjob example. Use absolute paths, and if you use virtualenv, remember to add the correct Python interpreter.
  • Add the cronjob to crontab using crontab cronjob.

Change the basic HTML template in znotify.py to match your requirements.