
suggested addition to Readme documentation, installation section

Daksol opened this issue · 1 comments

addition to installation instructions for helium

"helium" not available directly from the Anaconda/conda environment at present (oct 2021) - so users should follow this
advice on installing non conda packages

Additional info, though this can be obtained from the link above, so may be TMI

Installing helium via command-line conda

* activate the conda environment where you will be using helium (eg conda activate myscrapingarea)
* verify pip available in that conda environment (conda install pip)
* then within that conda environment issue regular pip command (pip install helium)

Note:- when using conda you use its environments, not the regular pip virtual environments


I don't like (Ana)conda. It fragments the Python ecosystem. I feel like we should all be pulling on the same rope, which is Python itself and PyPI / pip. Anaconda is creating an alternative ecosystem that essentially splits our efforts as developers into two halves. What's more, it's created by a for-profit organization. I really don't like it.

Helium is a Python package. Python's package manager is pip. As you were able to find out, it is possible to install Python packages in Conda via pip. So I don't see a need to add conda-specific instructions to the README.