
Problem while testing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

I've followed the instructions as per the README and I'm rolling Devise 2.1.2 and delayed_job. In my cucumber tests, I no longer receive the confirmation email as part of the sign-up process. Is there something I should be doing as part of testing? I already set delayed job to skip the actual delay for testing by setting the following in my test environment.

Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = false

But even with this set to true, it still fails, albeit more slowly. If I remove the devise_async gem and the relevant lines, everything bursts back into life.


I've also put a question on StackOverflow. I had one response, but unfortunately it didn't solve this issue.

It would seem that it will fail under testing unless you're using a truncation db cleaning strategy.

Can this be confirmed and maybe added to the README?

mhfs commented

Hello @simmogs, glad you figured it out. I added a note to the readme. Thanks.

The blog post that explained the "truncation db cleaning strategy" (linked in the above stackoverflow thread) was deleted.